Frequently Asked Question

Bus Footage Upload Instructions
Last Updated 6 years ago

The first step is to collect the SD card from the requested bus. Once you have the card in hand bring it to a computer with a SD card reader and insert the card.

You should see a notification like this that tells you the drive letter assigned to the card. For this example we will use the Drive E:

Next, open two windows; one for BusDVR (B:) and one for the card (in this case E:).



Open the corresponding bus to the card in BusDVR. Select everything in E: Drive (Ctrl + A) and Right Click choose "Cut" or Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + X.

Click on the BusDVR window and Right Click "Paste" or use Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V.

All that's left is to wait for the transfer to complete.

When the transfer is complete, left click on the up arrow in the bottom right corner of the screen, then right click on the usb drive icon, (with a check mark in the corner of it) and select "Eject USB Drive (E:).

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